Novelty or Rude Choc Bars

Novelty or Rude Choc Bars


Novelty or rude chocolate bars.

Novelty or rude chocolate bars.

Each 110g bar is a good quality milk Galaxy bar with a novelty or rude wrapper on top of the Galaxy wrapper (so all allergens and ingredients are on the original wrapper). Price per bar.

The wrapper can be slipped off to preserve it.

Ideal for Secret Santa, adult presents or just for fun.

Please select your wrapper from the drop-down list.

These are made to order but the wrappers cannot be modified.


Weight 0.110 kg

angel, arsehole, arse, auntie, babe, baldy, bellend, be mine, beautiful, best ever, best mum, bestie, big hugs, bollocks, booty, brother, caring, chav, christmas, clit, congrats, cowbag, cunty, dad, daddy, daughter, dipshit, fab, farties, finger me, fist me, flange, flaps, friend, fucker, fuckface, gaybar, ginge, grandad, granny, grumpy, hairy nips, happy, hope you're ok, husband, I love you, knobhead, lickmeout, love you mum, love you, lover, marry me, milky knickers, minge, mother in law, mother, Mum, my two mums, my world, nan, nephew, niece, old fart, pissface, prick, sister, slag, son, special, step mum, swinger, teacher, thank you, tits, tothe moon, tosser, troll, turd, twat, twatface, uncle, wanker, willy, yolo


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